© [year] Jamie McGuinness
I am a professional photographer and author. All my photos, videos and text are copyright.
All images and video are licenced under the terms of this Creative Commons licence:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
which means you may not use the material for commercial purposes, and when used for non-commercial purposes, you must give credit as per the IPTC credit line:
Jamie McGuinness - Project Himalaya
You may share my photos and video with credit on PERSONAL social media accounts, BUT still not for commercial purposes, ie not for advertizing treks or expeditions.
My photos and this work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Photos by Jamie McGuinness
Interested in using an image? Please ask, and send me the image. In general, your normal commercial rates are acceptable (but not gratis). Note a few images reside with Getty Images and National Geographic and other services.
Most images are from a Canon EOS 5 series camera, and JPEG, RAW and DNG versions are available.
I have images on this site (Project Himalaya) and on Google Photos, Flickr, my personal Facebook, Project Himalaya Facebook and Instagram.
All images with Esther Tan, Lobsang Chomphel and Ram Lal can include a release/s.
Assuming you are using for non-commercial use, or have permission from myself to use the image then if it directly related to trekking/mountaineering then credit:
"Jamie McGuinness - Project Himalaya" - link to https://project-himalaya.com
and of course this advertizes our treks.
If it is for other uses then credit:
"Jamie McGuinness - Project Himalaya" - link to https://project-himalaya.com/about-jamie-mcguinness.html
and this is more generally about me.
The Project-himalaya.com website
All text is copyright their respective owners and for full details see this Project Himalaya website copyright page.
Jamie McGuinness 31 August 2020